MTG: October 2022’s Custom Cards

Another month, another crop of cards! And it was October, so they were all spooooooky!

Warning: Wizards employees, this post contains primarily custom magic cards.

Oh, you thought there was a complicated theme here?

Uh, no, there’s not. I just wanted to make some spooky-style Innistrad cards, and play around with two mechanics I liked and could see other ways to execute on.

  • Haunt, which could be treated five different ways depending on the colour
  • Delirium, which gives more old cards a new way to be seen

Something that struck me as the most interesting to play around with was the watermarks of the four (not five) regions of Innistrad. They don’t divide up evenly across the colours, and aren’t clean or distinct in how the colours relate to the regions.

Okay, on with the cards:

Now, some specific card notes:

  • Jax’s Mace of Days is meant to abbreviate to JMD, which is a reference to Jayemdae Tome
  • I really wanted Unctuous Usurper to have a bunch of much more complicated text, but trying to do things like lock you out of your commander while she copies the abilities is interesting but took heaps of space