A Question About Buying Cardgames

I don’t actually buy many card or board games? Because I’m poor? I make games because I want to play more games, but I can’t afford games. I also live in a country where transport/tarrifs make some games more expensive. Also I live in a country where the cost of living (rent and the like) is very high! Which means essentially I don’t have perspective on how people do or should pay for games.

I’ve been toying with an idea for a card game where each player has their own little deck against an enemy deck – but while Middleware was a deck-building game where you build the deck in-game, this is more of a small constructed format like Magic: The Gathering. Instead of buying or selling boosters, what you’d buy is a character set of decks. The characters would include a healer, a tank, and a damage dealer, usually linked – and you could buy ‘boss monsters’ or ‘raid decks’ of baddies to fight. The aim is a PVE co-operative game, where character/deck customisation is meant to be small and approachable.

Problem is, I don’t know if this is a silly idea or not. How would you want to buy this game?

A big bundle? All three characters and boss monsters at once? Would you, as a consumer, rather buy small, individual purchases (“here’s a bundle of tank cards for any tank deck”), or would you rather a large bulk purchase (“buy this raid, get these four bosses and these three characters, boom.”)?

1 Comment

  1. I think that a starter pack is a good idea. Basically all the things you need to get playing, basic heroes, equipment and a few bosses/raids. Also good for introducing new players to the game. After that though, you could break it down to more granular purchases, as your players would have a better idea of what they want to get.

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