The Best Of 2015, I Suppose

I have no idea what of my writing is good or bad or whatever. I mean, I don’t particularly like my Death Note post, but, if you believe the statistics, it’s the most popular thing I’ve written on this site. The post that generated the most clicks in the shortest amount of time was the Gamergate-related post where I called them whiny, entitled shit-babies. Still, judging my own quality is hard, but thankfully, we have statistics and math. So this is the stuff that got the most hits this year, that was written this year, which really is more saying this is the media that Fiora or Melissa shared.

Bonus: I can look at this list and remember all the fights I had after they got posted with people who got upset by them! Counting down but not actually counting down because I can’t make <li> tags show a reverse-number list, here we go! The best of 2015!

So there we go. This is a bunch of stuff. I guess based on this next year, I need to give up on writing about videogames or designing things and instead focus on hurting my friends by sharing stories about my fundamentalist childhood in a way that makes fun of bad online behaviour. Or maybe I’ll find some group to enrage with hate-reads so I can turn their outrage into clicks that my –

oh wait, I don’t put ads on this site.

Oh well.
